Upcoming Events

For Rutgers University

Self-Care In Trauma Work

Trauma hurts everyone it touches. Expect to be different, not worse, as a consequence of working in the field of trauma and loss. What happens to you? What happens to your clients? What does it mean to be mindful of your Self? As a result of this workshop, participants will broaden their knowledge, understanding and application of techniques that contribute to their own well-being as well as to those with whom they work. They will be able to distinguish between emotions and their distortions and will broaden their understanding of the physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual issues related to working within the arena of trauma. Monday, June 16, 2014 Long Beach Island, NJ 

Call 848-445-0512 for more information and registration. Approved for CEU's for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Teachers.

East and West Converge in the Present Moment: How Mindfulness Practice Activates Innate Healing and Happiness

Mindfulness involves focusing awareness and non-judgmental attention to the experience of the present moment. Modern day scientists are identifying a wealth of empirical evidence of the physical and emotional benefits of mindfulness practice that Eastern masters have known for centuries. As a result, mindfulness skills are increasingly being taught by therapists and other health professionals to help clients address stress, addiction, pain and other physical and emotional challenges. This workshop will provide participants with an update on the latest scientific findings as well as the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of mindfulness exercises. As Jon Kabbat-Zinn, founder of the Harvard Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction ( MBSR) program has stated," You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."  Wednesday, April 30, 2014, New Brunswick, NJ

Call 848-445-0512 for more information and registration. Approved for CEU's for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Teachers.

Change Leadership

We all know that change is inevitable and that we must be adaptive to be successful leaders. Yet, it is just as inevitable that we will encounter resistance to change within our organization and within ourselves. This workshop covers a variety of cutting-edge theories that will allow participants to discover the sources of their own internal resistance and how it is communicated to those they lead.  Participants will also learn how to become aware of informal organizational relationships that emerge to resist change efforts.  Using experiential exercises and case scenarios, participants will learn how personal awareness and transformation of the leader can create a dynamic shift in the organization.     Wednesday, May 14, 2014, Camden, NJ

 Call 848-445-0512 for more information and registration. 

Approved for CEU's for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Teachers.

Mindfulness Practice for Children:  Keys to Success in the Age of Distraction

            The latest research in teaching mindfulness to children demonstrates that they experience better focus and concentration, increased patience and frustration tolerance, improved relationship skills, stronger impulse control and an ability to handle stress in healthier ways.  Teaching mindfulness to children gives them the keys to social and emotional intelligence and the awareness they need to succeed in this era of ever increasing stressors and demands.  It may be the most powerful play there is!!

This workshop blends the latest scientific research about mindfulness and its effects on the brain and body with activities, games and playful practices that have been proven to resonate with children.   Participants will practice these activities and leave the workshop with a variety of resources that they can apply in educational settings, in their professional work with children and their parents, as well as within their own families, with their own children. 

May 21, 2014 New Brunswick, NJ,  and July 9, 2014, Lawrenceville, NJ 

 Call 848-445-0512 for more information and registration. Approved for CEU's for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Teachers.


Moving from Self-Criticism to Self-Care: The Healing Power of Self-Compassion

            Most people raised in Western cultures have been socialized to believe that expression of self-confidence is egotistical and that self-acceptance and self-compassion will hamper their motivation to succeed and to reach their highest potential.  Thus, few of us give ourselves the loving-kindness, forgiveness and acceptance we can freely give to a dear friend, a partner, a colleague or even a stranger.  In fact, our self-talk is often riddled with self-criticism, self-doubt and continual comparison with unattainable images and standards.   Current research is confirming that these long-held beliefs are myths that are actually negatively affecting our physical, as well as our emotional health.  There is evidence that self-compassion can to create emotional healing, reduce anxiety, improve health, enhance quality of life and even facilitate weight loss!  

             This workshop will present the current research on self-compassion, including case studies of its transformative effects.  Participants will learn to practice techniques and exercises to cultivate self-compassion that they can teach to clients and use in their own lives.  Friday, June 27, 2014, Lawrenceville, NJ 

Call 848-445-0512 for more information and registration. Approved for CEU's for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Teachers.




For  Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey

Tools for Reducing Parental Stress and Improving  Family Well-Being: Breaking the Legacy of Trauma

The stress placed on the modern American family is at an all-time high and is amplified for single parents and parents with special needs children.  Parental stress has a direct impact on the growth and development of children.  Current research on attachment emphasizes the importance of the attunement of parents to their children for the development of self-regulation, focus, healthy relationships and resilience.   This gets complicated when parents themselves have had a past history of trauma.  The neurobiological effects of trauma often increase the likelihood that such parents will continue to hand down the legacy to their children.    However, current findings in neuroscience and somatic psychology provide evidence that there are effective techniques that can be used to help to break this legacy and enhance secure parent-child attachment.   This experiential workshop will give Parent Educators a take-home stress management toolkit to offer the parents they work with.  All of the tools provided will be simple, practical, time efficient and often, fun!  Participants will have the opportunity to practice some of these techniques and learn why they are effective.  April 16 and April 25, 2014 North Brunswick,NJ


Working with Trauma:  Understanding Vicarious Trauma, Vicarious Resilience and the Importance of Self-Care


Trauma affects everyone it touches.  Working with trauma survivors and ongoing exposure to traumatic material puts direct-line professionals and their supervisors at risk for secondary traumatic stress (vicarious trauma), burnout and compassion fatigue.  These are very serious occupational hazards that can increase liability and compromise effectiveness with clients as well as  the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the professional. 

This workshop provides supervisors with easy to use, valid and reliable tools for assessing and identifying the signs of vicarious trauma and burnout in their staff and in themselves.  A variety of physical, emotional, spiritual and recreational self-care techniques that prevent and/or reverse compassion fatigue and burnout are presented and practiced.    The importance of self-care and its relationship with best practice and professional ethics are examined.  Participants will also learn about building vicarious resilience and employing trauma stewardship—new frameworks that provide them with another approach to meeting the challenges of their work and developing a long-term approach to retaining their health and vitality as they continue to do the important work that they do. April 4, 2014, Westhampton, NJ ( Burlington Co.),   May 9, 2014, No. Brunswick, NJ, June 6, 2014, Somerville, NJ. 




At Medicine in Balance

New Rubenfeld Synergy for Life Group Forming  In a supportive group environment, learn how to listen to the healing wisdom of your body.  You will practice listening touch, body-mind exercises, and the principles and practices of Rubenfeld Synergy.  The result will be reduced stress, increased energy and ease of movement, improved self-esteem, reduction in physical and/or emotional pain, and improved relationships with yourself and others.  Discover how using simple practices can enhance your life. Registration Limited to 8 Participants:  Four Thursday Evenings Dates TBD- Call 215-696-0567 for more information and for early registration discount.















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What others say about Lori

"This is probably the first thing I have ever done that has made me feel so in tune with myself."

R.F., Former Client

Rubenfeld Synergy principles

Humor can lighten and heal: Appropriate humor, not sarcasm, interrupts habitual, painful patterns. Laughing invites deeper breathing, releases tense muscles and can heal pain.

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